Thursday, July 14, 2011

12 Ways the Internet Can Get You Fired

Check out these 15 complete fails that make you want to scream ‘Man! I cant believe you just did that over the Internet!’.

This handy guide provides you with 12 pitfalls you will need to avoid if your aim is to remain gainfully employed for the foreseeable future.

1. Juror Fired for asking online friends for help

A jury member was released from service during a trial in the UK for uploading case details to her Facebook page. She was caught red handed using the social networking site to ask friends and relatives to vote on whether or not the defendants in the case we guilty as she was unable to arrive at her own conclusion.

2. Don’t blast Your Boss if he is your Facebook friend

No matter how much you hate your boss pissing him off is a bad idea. Check out this poorly timed rant from an employee about her boss just two weeks shy of completing her trial employment period.

3. Anti Semitic Cheerleader

A really important lesson to learn here is that sharing any extreme religious or racist views no matter how funny your Facebook friends will find it, is a really bad idea! Especially when you have a career in the limelight like this young lady who ironically was cheerleader for the New England Patriots.

4. Don’t Tweet Secret Sex Blog

Everyone is entitled to a private life just make sure you don’t go blogging about yours over twitter for the whole world (including your boss!!) to see, like this woman who was fired from a non-profit organisation in St Loius.

5. Abusive Tweeting by A Politician

Learning the true power of social networking sites and the effect they can have on your work life is essential to keep a squeaky clean image in the eyes of your employer. Take a look at this Twitter update from UK politician Stuart Maclennan who clearly forgot all about his position during his quest to amuse his followers. Other twitter outbursts including calling British Prime Minister David Cameron “t***” and Deputy Nick Clegg, “a b******”.

6. “Cisco Fatty” Fired before even starting the job

We all take jobs for different reasons and many people endure jobs they dislike for a decent wage but what ever you do don’t go blogging about it especially before you’ve even completed a single days work. Also remember to properly complete background research on your future employer, Connor Riley quite clearly underestimated how well versed employees at Cisco Systems are in maters of the Internet when she posted this tweet.

7. EMT fired for posting Murder Photos Online

Using your camera phone to post pictures of work related material on the web is a strict no no! But it looks like no one informed emergency medical technician Mark Musarella as he was swiftly shown the door by Richmond University Centre in Staten Island NY for uploading pictures of murder victim Caroline Wimmer’s corpse to his Facebook page.

8. 20 Million Email Chain Letter…

One of the most important skills you must hone to survive in the workplace is to check, check and check again exactly who you are forwarding emails to. As truly devastating effects can occur when an email is placed in the wrong hands. Just learn from London based law firm employee Claire Swire who forgot the cardinal rule ‘Never get confused between reply and reply to all!” and sent an dirty email between her and a male colleague to the rest of the office. The message was quickly circulated all over the world and reportedly viewed by over 20 million people.

9. Woman Fired for Emailing over “Pornographic” invite

Most people are guilty of squeezing some form of social planning time into their working day but former American Express employee Rachel Fountain might have taken it a bit too far when she accidentally sent an invite to her ‘pornstars, prossies, pimps, flashers and slutty schoolgirls party’ to a company finance director who shared the same name with one of her friends. Needless to say the director decided against arriving at the party in full costume and sacked miss fountain for gross miss conduct.

10. The Gary Glitter baby in a bag scandal

A natural reaction to receiving a funny email is to send it on to as many people as possible but always consider the consequences this may have as once you have forwarded something on the power to remove your name from the chain is out of your hands. 15 Council Workers from South Lanarkshire, England found out the hard way when when they were fired for circulating this image of Gary Glitter while he was being tried as a paedophile in Vietnam. This was particularly bad press for the council as most of the employees were social workers in charge of child protection.

10. Webcams at Work

Most people understand that the use of webcams with the exception of video conferencing is a strictly an after work activity but not British soap actor Lesley Grantham who lost is job in the top soap opera ‘Eastenders’ for engaging in cyber sex sessions from his dressing room. The press also revealed that whilst performing in a pantomime version of Peter Pan,  Grantham was caught backstage committing lewd acts online dressed as Captain Hook.

11. Missuse of Police Computer

You need to remember when using technology at work that everything you do can be monitored. Its easily forgotten that everything we input into a computer can be tracked but what on earth was San Antonio Police Officer Gabriel Villarreal thinking when he decided to use a police computer to find the home address of a woman who caught his eye during a shift. The woman was extremely surprised when the police officer showed up on her doorstep and subsequently filed a complaint that resulted in his dismissal from the force.

12. Mafia Boss who couldn’t resist Facebook

Privacy controls on your social networking sites are there for a reason, if you lead an extravagant lifestyle that may interfere with your working life and you may need to use them to prevent your secrets from going public. A prime example of this is Italian Mafia boss Pasquale Manfredi who even whilst on the run from the police couldn’t resist updating his status and giving his friends photos a ‘like’.  This complete disregard for the sheer scale of social networking led the authorities to co-operate with Facebook and track his location down to tiny basement flat in Isola Capo Rizzuto, Italy. 

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